IBM Summit Program Experience – 7 – Recruiting at Universities

Spent the weekend at the Smith School of Business at Queen’s University as part of the IBM Sponsor for the QBET Conference.Last year I competed in the competition component, this year a judge! It’s nice to go full circle. It happens at all stages of our lives. Babies grow up to be babysitters. Students become teachers. Children become parents. Sports players become …

IBM Summit Program Experience – 5 – Top Gun Systems & Platform

Top Gun Award! ✅Ranked within Top 10% of scores in the final written examinations. The focus of this 5-day boot camp is 50% product training, 50% career education… and 100% free food at the hotel buffet! • Offerings we covered: Hardware (Data Processing, Data Storage), Cloud, Managed Services, Analytics, Business Automation, Blockchain, Financing Deals, Compliance, etc. 🎯• Career topics we …

IBM Summit Program Experience – 3 – Training Kick-Off

IBM Global Sales School: Trip 1. On the first day of training, lead by Dave LaPenta, we took a DISC personality assessment. Surprise! 60% of the class identified as “I”, 20% as “D” and “S” and “C” as 10% each. Certain jobs have certain archetypes, so it is no surprise that much of the class fit into the ‘people person’ …

IBM Summit Program Experience – 2 – Orientation in NYC

Week 2 at IBM – Flown out to New York to the IBM Learning Center (IBM’s unofficial school) for a week of training. Among the cool things: • Very professionally run orientation covering IBM’s history, values, organizational structure, and an overview of enterprise sales lead by Sales Leaders of 20+ years experience. •  Solid hour-long discussion on diversity, inclusion, and …

IBM Summit Program Experience – 4 – First GSS Sales Call

IBM Global Sales School: Trip 2. “Dad had taught me that a good businessman has to be an actor.” – Thomas Watson Jr. A few months ago we had our very first ‘Mock Sales Calls’, where we have former IBM sales executives roleplay as customers. These ‘Sales Advisors’ act as VPs of various companies and we apply everything we learn in the …

IBM Summit Program Experience – 1 – First Day

I have returned to IBM Canada. Not an intern this time 🙂 First day, of a long journey through the Summit Program. Goodbye Ted Rogers School of Management I have officially left the nest. Over five years you taught me how to flap my wings and keep a high altitude in the business world. I am ready to fly.

The Coronavirus Is Helping These Two Companies While Sinking These Two Companies

Major world events have a polarizing effect on stock prices. While everyone is panicking about the coronavirus, each night I am taking a step back and looking at it from a business perspective to think about – which companies are gaining new customers from this, and which companies are losing customers from this? My Stock Analysis… Over the past 41 …

Coronavirus Stocks Are Like The New Cannabis Stocks.

Corona virus medical stocks are like the new cannabis stocks. On January 21st the World Health Organization began to investigate if the virus was a public health emergency or not. Since that day, certain companies have seen their stock prices skyrocket (🚀📈50% in one week) on speculation of creating a vaccination or increased sales of medical equipment (surgical masks, for …