For the past few months IBM I have been trying to figure out what IBM is doing in the Blockchain space – today we got to speak to originator himself
Jerry Cuomo, VP Blockchain Technologies at IBM, shared the story about the pioneering of the Hyperledger project and the business value the FoodTrust project and TradeLens project are providing today.
At the most primordial level, all blockchains require a consensus method, immutability, and some type of incentive for participants to join the network. Whether the blockchain is then public or permissioned, it depends on the use case desired.
Along his 30+ years at IBM he has published many patents, help found WebSphere software, and has testified in front of the US Government advising on the impact of digital currencies.
If you want to know something you have to find the original source of truth. Safe to say, I had all my questions answered clearly!