Legal Training For Door-To-Door Salespeople

As part of our training I’m learning some of the laws around working with door-to-door salespeople. If you knock on a door that has a no-solicitation sign, that is considering trespassing. Door-to-door salespeople have to be licensed by the province. They must show their license upon request. Usually they are wearing an ID card around their neck. If you tell a salesperson …

Vivint Company Overview

Here’s an overview of the company I’m working with over the Summer. Name: Vivint Size: 8000 employees Industry: Smart Home Technology Headquarters: Provo, Utah # of Customers: 1 million, spread between US and Canada


I think setting goals is important but more than often I find myself placing my self-worth in the achievement of them. As business students, we become obsessed with results and asking ourselves “How does this add value?” In psychology, being in a flow state is defined as full immersion and enjoyment in a present activity. It is being in the …


Last night I was browsing LinkedIn going through profiles of co-op students at Waterloo and Laurier and my jaw dropped in jealously. It’s not uncommon to see kids landing internships at the Google, Facebook, and Amazons of the tech world, or top tier consulting firms such as Mckinsey, Bain, or BCG. More than a handful have launched start ups with seed …

Goodbye Manulife!

War room: A room at a military headquarters where maps showing the current status of troops in battle are maintained. I guess they were brewing up some corporate war tactics. Goodbye #Manulife! Was a great 1237 work hours, aka 8 months.

What is my writing style?

My posts generally have the following format: Concise. Posts you can read within 5 minutes. Usually contain a photo. Fall into the following categories: Career updates, TIL (Today I learned), famous quotations, book summaries, life a business student. I make an effort to write things people would want to read. I.e. I don’t give mundane life updates about what I ate today. …

What is this blog about?

I started this blog for a few reasons: To share my career journey to other business students out there. I want to help others find their career passions and contributions in life. To keep my social circles updated on what I”m doing. A lot of people have helped me to get where I am, and I want to show them that their support …