Door To Door – Day 1: The Most Emotionally Demoralizing Day of Work Ever

Have you ever worked a job where you felt so emotionally bombed that you were afraid of showing up at work the next day? Have you ever had a rejection so visceral that you sat on the curb for 90 minutes demoralized, contemplating your life? You ask yourself “why am I doing this job?”. A voice of self-doubt whispers “maybe this …

My Graduation Goal

In my first year at university, I had set a clear goal for myself. To get into the co-op program, get 20 months of work experience, graduate, enter the workforce, and land the highest paying job possible. (Yes, that post was actually three years ago!) From that, I set benchmarks. I met with graduating co-ops and politely asked what their starting salaries …

Legal Training For Door-To-Door Salespeople

As part of our training I’m learning some of the laws around working with door-to-door salespeople. If you knock on a door that has a no-solicitation sign, that is considering trespassing. Door-to-door salespeople have to be licensed by the province. They must show their license upon request. Usually they are wearing an ID card around their neck. If you tell a salesperson …

Vivint Company Overview

Here’s an overview of the company I’m working with over the Summer. Name: Vivint Size: 8000 employees Industry: Smart Home Technology Headquarters: Provo, Utah # of Customers: 1 million, spread between US and Canada

Goodbye Manulife!

War room: A room at a military headquarters where maps showing the current status of troops in battle are maintained. I guess they were brewing up some corporate war tactics. Goodbye #Manulife! Was a great 1237 work hours, aka 8 months.