Today I hosted a LinkedIn webinar with Nick Nguyen and 60 live attendees. My first time doing a 100% online workshop like this. Here’s what surprised me:
– MORE people engaged with me in the online version, than when I did it in-person. People are less shy to write in the text box or DM you, as opposed to putting up their hand or walking up to you in a classroom.
– People really loved the poll 📊 feature. Definitely incorporate these into your webinars. It’s like when a teacher asks you to “raise your hand if you agree…” in a classroom. People are conditioned to respond and feel good participating.
I guess that online workshops can sometimes be superior to in-person versions 🤷♂️. Especially if you’re teaching a digital skill where screen-sharing is more efficient.
The result? Check out some of my our role model profiles below:
– Aymen Saqib + Jamie La
Definitely beat my profile from when I was in 2nd year!
Thanks Brad Wells, Harsimran Walia, and the Ted Rogers School of Management for hosting me!
Feedback From The Workshop (public)

Feedback From The Workshop (Anonymous survey we sent out)

If you are interested in having us come in for a workshop (we specialize in business students), feel free to reach out!