IBM Summit Program Experience – 3 – Training Kick-Off

IBM Global Sales School: Trip 1. On the first day of training, lead by Dave LaPenta, we took a DISC personality assessment. Surprise! 60% of the class identified as “I”, 20% as “D” and “S” and “C” as 10% each. Certain jobs have certain archetypes, so it is no surprise that much of the class fit into the ‘people person’ …

IBM Summit Program Experience – 2 – Orientation in NYC

Week 2 at IBM – Flown out to New York to the IBM Learning Center (IBM’s unofficial school) for a week of training. Among the cool things: • Very professionally run orientation covering IBM’s history, values, organizational structure, and an overview of enterprise sales lead by Sales Leaders of 20+ years experience. •  Solid hour-long discussion on diversity, inclusion, and …

IBM Summit Program Experience – 4 – First GSS Sales Call

IBM Global Sales School: Trip 2. “Dad had taught me that a good businessman has to be an actor.” – Thomas Watson Jr. A few months ago we had our very first ‘Mock Sales Calls’, where we have former IBM sales executives roleplay as customers. These ‘Sales Advisors’ act as VPs of various companies and we apply everything we learn in the …

IBM Summit Program Experience – 1 – First Day

I have returned to IBM Canada. Not an intern this time 🙂 First day, of a long journey through the Summit Program. Goodbye Ted Rogers School of Management I have officially left the nest. Over five years you taught me how to flap my wings and keep a high altitude in the business world. I am ready to fly.

B2B Tech Sales Landscape

Do you want to work in tech sales but are not sure which company you want to work for? Here’s how we can categorize tech companies into 4 quadrants. Media Darlings They are called darlings because everyone LOVES the brand and wants to work there. These companies make most of their money from selling advertising (E.g. Google makes 80% of …

The Differences Between B2C Sales and B2B Sales

In this post I will help educate you on differences between B2C (Business To Consumer) Sales and B2B (Business to Business) Sales. It’s the difference between working as a Real Estate Agent selling homes to families, and working in Commercial Real Estate for CBRE selling offices and buildings to businesses. It’s the difference between working as a Teller in a …

Ryerson Sales Initiative – Why Sales? Speaker Panel Sept 2019

Speaking on a panel tonight at the Ted Rogers School of Management at Ryerson University. My goals to serve as an effective panelist tonight: 1️⃣. Be entertaining, not just informative. Information without emotion is not retained. Students can be tense, or nervous since they are putting themselves out there. As a panelist I think it’s great to share inspiring stories, …

Work Conditions Cannot Provide Satisfaction. They Can Only Prevent Dissatisfaction.

Working at Google? Free lunches? A six figure salary? Ability to work from home? These are all “work conditions”, or formally known as “hygiene factors”. And I’m here to tell you that cannot provide you job satisfaction. They can only prevent dissatisfaction. That means that, if you didn’t have these things: you would complain about them. So what can give …

End of IBM Summit Internship

I never win those case competitions at school – but here is a competition I thought we had a fair chance at. We presented to the President of IBM last week and won first place. I made the most of EVERY opportunity this internship had to offer. I wore a suit & tie every single day. I volunteered to run …

Summit Intern Interview on

I was contacted by Julien Simoes (the recruiter mentioned in the video) to share some my experiences as an intern at IBM in a short interview. Read here: