Guide to How Sales Commission Plans Work (And How Much You can Expect To Make)

This post will explain how sales plans (aka sales compensation plans, or sales commission plans) work by breaking down some key terminology, and sharing some of my personal experiences to help contextualize that knowledge to help you as you embark in your sales career. How IBM Approaches Sales PlansIBM has one of the longest running tech sales organizations in the …

Arvind Krishna’s first day as IBM CEO, on Slack

Us IBMers are HYPED to see our new CEO hopping on Slack on his first day on the job to open the bridge to communications. “CEO Office Hours”? – first time I’ve heard that before. Let alone probably the first time I’ve ever seen a slack post with 1000 likes 🏆 First impressions matter! #leadership

IBM Summit Program Experience – 11 – IBM ECF Video 2019

Giving back to your community is a great feeling with many aspects to feel proud about 🤗👉 Everyone has their own favorite part — what’s yours? 🎬Amazing to have a production team to help out on this project, as most of my previous have been solo acts.👏Thank you to all the volunteers, coordinators, and all those involved in the IBM …

IBM Summit Program Experience – 10 – Snack Video

Friends, what impact do you think free snacks have on employee engagement? 🤔IBMers, how do you feel about the free snacks?#Comedy#News#Puns#EmployeeEngagement IBM To me, small perks like these make a difference! And to see one of the largest technology companies in the world offer a perk that is most often found at the smallest technology companies in the world… to me …

IBM Summit Program Experience – 9 – Landing On A Team

I have officially ‘landed’ on IBM‘s Data Science team.Here’s a picture expressing the way I feel about it: 🚀🌕Data Science isn’t rocket science – in simple terms its helping clients discover insights from their data to improve business decision-making. Lead by experts Lee Cratchley and Robb Corrigan … it’s gonna be a great year of tremendous learning and exploring new heights. “I feel like a …

IBM Summit Program Experience – 8 – Demo2Win

Sales training? Everyone’s got a method.Software demo training? Rarely taught, but critical for tech workers 💻!Last week I attended Demo2Win, a two-day workshop that teaches professionals how to effectively demo software. Learning: Imagine you are showing your manager a report, a customer your software, or even a friend a new app that you love… here’s a proven methodology you can …

IBM Summit Program Experience – 7 – Recruiting at Universities

Spent the weekend at the Smith School of Business at Queen’s University as part of the IBM Sponsor for the QBET Conference.Last year I competed in the competition component, this year a judge! It’s nice to go full circle. It happens at all stages of our lives. Babies grow up to be babysitters. Students become teachers. Children become parents. Sports players become …

IBM Summit Program Experience – 5 – Top Gun Systems & Platform

Top Gun Award! ✅Ranked within Top 10% of scores in the final written examinations. The focus of this 5-day boot camp is 50% product training, 50% career education… and 100% free food at the hotel buffet! • Offerings we covered: Hardware (Data Processing, Data Storage), Cloud, Managed Services, Analytics, Business Automation, Blockchain, Financing Deals, Compliance, etc. 🎯• Career topics we …